Expert Shoulder Physio

We have a team of Expert Shoulder Physios available to help with your shoulder problem. Our team are able to deal with most shoulder problems, and can advise you how to manage your problem, and refer on if required.

A referral is not required to see one of our experts, and they can register ACC claims or apply for for treatments.

woman doing pushups with auckland shoulder physio

Expert Shoulder Physios

Our team of Expert Shoulder Physios are dedicated and focussed to achieving an optimal recovery from your shoulder injury. They can log a claim with ACC, tell you what is wrong with your shoulder and give you advice on how to manage your shoulder problem. We have over a 100 years of combined experience in managing shoulder pain, and we are the best team in Auckland to manage your problem.

Book Now

Make a time to see one of our physio experts with instant confirmation and assistance with ACC claims.

Auckland Shoulder Clinic - Shoulder Physiotherapy - clapping push ups