Online Shoulder Physio

Auckland Shoulder Clinic is excited to bring you ongoing physio in the digital space. Lockdowns were difficult but we’ve learned how to provide our services differently and we are excited to move our practice forward. We found we could offer great levels of care and treatment planning while  working remotely. We were really accurate in our assessments and patients made really good progress with our remote care. We plan to continue offering online physio into the future and want all of New Zealand to be able to access our shoulder physiotherapy services.

Auckland Shoulder Clinic - Shoulder Physiotherapy - telehealth video physio clinic

Benefits of Telehealth online physio.

Access Care from your home or office

People across New Zealand can access Auckland’s leading experts in shoulder assessment and rehabilitation from anywhere in NZ

Get a second opinion for your shoulder problem at a time that fits your busy schedule.

Patients can demonstrate to us their limitations or aggravating tasks in their own home or office – so care is more personalised and focussed on patient-specific problems.

How we aim to overcome the limitations of online physio

Obviously, the advantages of online physio is not without their limitations.

  • HANDS ON TREATMENT – Many patients we spoke to want hands-on treatment. But we can deliver this with massage balls, massage guns, heat packs, and vibrating heated balls – Just ask us how!
  • EXERCISE EQUIPMENT – We can deliver any exercise equipment to your door that you need for your rehab from our central Auckland clinic
  • ONLINE APP – Exercises are provided in an online app on your phone. Your therapist will demonstrate and practice your exercises with you online. They can also track and monitor your pain scores and your engagement with exercises.

Book Now

If you would like a second opinion for your shoulder problem, or just want more flexibility in your rehabilitation, you can book online now or call us.

person crouches on purple yoga mat looking at their phone while receiving online physio from auckland shoulder clinic